You can now Contribute to the WMIG office through PayPal.
To make a Personal, or AA Group Contribution, to Western Mass Intergroup, directly through PayPal, please use the donate button.
Please put your Group Name and Information under Special Instructions to Seller when contributing online so we can credit your group.
Please Note this is for WM Intergroup Contributions ONLY! We cannot accept contributions for any other Area 31 Service Committee's online.
For a list of other Area Service Committees and addresses you will find them on the pie chart below.
Please note there may be a small service fee added to your contribution from PayPal. Thanks for your support of Western Mass Intergroup.
· 40 % - Western Mass Intergroup
· 30 % - Western Mass Area Committee
· 20 % Western Mass Institutions Committee
· 10 % - GSO Office in New York
Please make checks payable to, and send to:
Western Mass Intergroup: 300 Appleton Street, Holyoke, MA 01040
Western Mass Area Committee: P.O. Box 6818, Holyoke, MA 01040-6818
Area 31 Service Committee now accepts online donations at
Western Mass Institutions Committee: P.O. Box 1391, Holyoke, MA 01040-1391
General Service Office: P.O. Box 2407, James A Farley Station New York, NY 10116-2407
If you wish to donate to Berkshire Intergroup, please make checks payable to:
Berkshire Intergroup: 152 North St, Suite 30C, Pittsfield, MA 01201
Thank you for your continued support of all Area 31 Service Committees. Your personal & group donations contribute to the much-needed support and information to each AA member in Area 31 and most importantly; the newcomer that needs services as they find their way into Alcoholics Anonymous. Thank you